Social, academic, business and government partners need to collaborate on a larger and more interconnected scale in order to better address our complex societal challenges. This project will create a platform for dialogue between partners and SSH researchers in particular to foster interaction and innovation in this respect.
At the same time, justification of the use of public funds in research has become increasingly important, leading to a shift towards a more knowledge-based approach to research questions which addresses important societal issues as well as end-user needs. Greater dialogue between industry, policy makers, users and researchers is required to establish shared research priorities. Underpinning the approach of ACCOMPLISSH is the concept of co-creation, a holistic process including the lead- and end-user16.
Co-creation is a form of collaborative creativity that is initiated to enable innovation with rather than for the involved stakeholders. Co-creation brings different parties together in order to jointly produce a mutually valued outcome. In this case co-creation takes place among research, business, government and societal organisations or citizens to identify the requirements and conditions that must be created to ensure effective valorisation of SSH research. Co-creation will bridge the gap between these various actors by developing and testing new models both from the supply side (SSH research / universities) and the demand side (governments, businesses and societal actors / citizens).