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Balázs Krémer dr. habil. (1957. Budapest, Hungary) Graduated at Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest, first got MA degree in majors Maths and Physics, second and PhD in Sociology. Started his career and worked for 16 years as research fellow at Institute of Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Science, mainly had been involved in researches on social welfare, industrial relation and labor market stratification. After the transition he was invited to fill government positions, directed national agencies on social policy and public employment services. During that time represented Hungary at committees and working parties in different international organizations (UN and UN affiliated organs, CoE, OECD, EU), also worked as consultant, expert by managing, monitoring and evaluating different development programs in Hungary, and in other CEE countries. From 2004 until now work as associate professor of University of Debrecen, Department of Sociology and Social Policy.
University of Debrecen

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